Tuesday, 24 July 2012

But why...

Wrapped in the best of her dress,there she was looking like a princess,
Those sparkling tiny eyes of her, had many things to share...
But why are they numb today...?
Those naughty talks of her, had immense strength to bring delight on a dull countenance..
But why are those lips quiet today...?
Those little hands of her, that tender touch of her, had great sense of comfort and relief
But why they lay frozen today....?
Those tiny feet of her, kept running, stumbling, infusing vitality and liveliness,
But why are they motionless today...?
Why everything around appears so gloomy and incomplete today...?
The girl child is a gift of god...they are the very meaning of life on the earth...
But why are they killed before they are even born...

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Why it is difficult

Why it is difficult to accept that others are better than us...
Why it is difficult to see others climbing the ladders of success...
Why it is difficult to appreciate others for the job well done...
Why it is difficult to forgive others for the pain they give...
Why it is difficult to encourage others towards success...
Why it is difficult to step forward and help someone who has met with an accident..
Why it is difficult to raise voice against injustice...
Why it is difficult in the fact that God exists...
Why it is difficult to believe when people say...parents always think better for their children...
Why it is difficult to have faith in our fate when everything is going wrong...
Why it is difficult to believe that after dark shadow of pain and failure, there will be sunshine and life will be beautiful again...
Why it is difficult to believe that someone can love insanely...
Why it is difficult to put trust on people these days....
Why it is difficult to follow values and morals set by our elders...
Why it is difficult to distance oneself from amoral stuff, knowing fully well its dire consequences...
Why it is difficult to be good to others all the time...
Why it is difficult to love and live this life without complaints and grudges...why???